Betrayal of Ideals
Every member of modern Clan society knows of the Not-Named Clan, the one that was erased from history for perpetrating acts of heresy against the Way of the Clans. But what truly happened to Clan Wolverine?Long before the Clans invaded the Inner Sphere in 3049, their ancestors escaped the brutal Succession Wars by braving uncharted space and forming a new society, only to plunge back into the ravages of war once more.
The year is 2822. The Pentagon Civil War is long over, and Operation Klondike saw ilKhan Nicholas Kerensky’s twenty Clans victorious over the petty warlords who had conquered the Pentagon worlds. But with no true enemies left to fight, the nascent Clans have lost their laser-sharp focus, and begun straying from the ilKhan’s vision.
Khan Sarah McEvedy, leader of the progressive Clan Wolverine, sees the dangerous path the ilKhan is steering his Clans onto, but she cannot follow them without compromising her beliefs or her honor. Unsure whom to trust among the scheming Clans, she must navigate the political waters of the Grand Council with caution and resolve, or suffer the deadly consequences. As her enemies seek to engineer her Clan into the ultimate scapegoat, Khan McEvedy must do everything she can to ensure her Clan survives, or they will all be hunted down and destroyed.
Written by BattleTech veteran Blaine Lee Pardoe, Betrayal of Ideals tells the complete story of the true history of Clan Wolverine.
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Blood Will Tell (3148 – 3149)
Danai Liao-Centrella is many things: Solaris gladiator; proud military commander; successful diplomat. All of those roles pale beneath perhaps the heaviest responsibility of anyone in the Capellan Confederation: to speak the truth to its ruler, Chancellor Daoshen Liao. He is the undeniable dictator of hundreds of worlds. Mighty armies move at his command. Billions of lives hang on his every decision.
Against that, she must speak the truth.
And the truth is, the war with House Davion must end. Because there is a greater danger looming: the Republic of the Sphere, hiding behind its impenetrable fortress. When that wall comes down, the Confederation must be ready. It cannot be distracted. Danai will pay whatever price necessary to make Daoshen see that.
And that price will be heavy. It will force her to take on a role unlike any other: servant of the people. In the Confederation, the people are the heart of the state. When—not if—the wall falls, Danai and her regiment will be ready.
They’ll have to be ready, because behind the wall the Republic regiments are finally ready to come out of hiding. On worlds like Elgin, Hall, and Liberty, Republic forces are prepared: well-trained, and armed with weapons the Capellans have never seen.
When BattleMechs clash, Danai will have to choose between serving the Chancellor or serving the people.
A Bonfire of Worlds
The universe has gone dark. Interstellar communications has been lost across the Inner Sphere, threatening the corporate giant ComStar—and maybe civilization itself. Risking everything on a last chance for survival, Comstar has kidnapped the engineering genius Tucker Harwell, hoping he can unravel the mystery of the blackout. But Tucker isn’t just working on why it happened…he’s also trying to figure out who’s behind it.
Meanwhile, Khan Malvina Hazen solidifies her hold on a purified Clan Jade Falcon while hunting for the next enemy to crush under the talons of her brutal Mongol Doctrine. Hundreds of light-years away, Clan Wolf is carving out territory along the Lyran Commonwealth/Free Worlds League border—and Alaric Wolf is primed to make his moves in the halls of power.
Plans years in the making begin to come together across hundreds of star systems, and secrets hidden for decades will finally be revealed while an empire goes up in flames…
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Children of Kerensky
Terra. For centuries, it has been the Clans’ ultimate prize. As prophesied by their founder, Nicholas Kerensky, the Clan that conquers Terra shall ascend above all others to become the ilClan, ruler over the rest of the Clans. And its leader shall become the ilKhan, and will lead the Inner Sphere into a new era.
And now, nearly a century after the Clan Invasion, two Clans race to be the first to reach Terra and the ultimate prize. On one side is Alaric Ward, Khan of Clan Wolf, a brilliant warrior and complex mix of the best of the Clans and the Inner Sphere. He comes to save the Inner Sphere from itself, intending to construct a new empire among the stars. His main adversary is Chingis Khan Malvina Hazen, the brutal, ruthless leader of Clan Jade Falcon. Forged in a tradition where only the strong survive, she leads her touman not to save the Inner Sphere, but to raze it to ashes and rebuild it according to her own twisted vision.
All that stands between them and a decisive victory that will reshape the Inner Sphere forever is the impenetrable barrier shielding Terra from invasion, not to mention the forces of the once-mighty Republic, which has no plans to surrender without a vicious fight…the only question is, who will reach Terra first?
Auf Amazon kaufen (Taschenbuch & E-Book): https://amzn.to/2HhODDs
Auf Drivethru kaufen (E-Book): https://www.drivethrufiction.com/product/332850/BattleTech-Children-of-Kerensky
Divided We Fall
At long last, the Clans’ campaign for the Inner Sphere is about to come to a head. Alaric Wolf is preparing for his biggest moves yet…and is willing to enlist just about any force that can help him achieve his ultimate goal—the conquest of Terra.
To do this, he sends one of his own on a very special mission. Marotta Kerensky is a Wolf warriors unlike any other—the perfect candidate for a mission unlike any other: convince the legendary Wolf’s Dragoons to rejoin the Clan they originally came from.
But when Marotta reaches the mercenary unit, he finds them unit quite different from the storied force of more than a century ago. The times have vastly changed since then, and the Dragoons have as well…or have they? Driven to accomplish his mission at any cost, Marotta allies with a Dragoons officer on a risky gambit that may help him deliver what his Khan wants…or tear Wolf’s Dragoons apart forever.
Auf Amazon kaufen: https://amzn.to/2OFMxgw
Embers of War
For Ezra Payne and the Stealthy Tiger mercenaries, professionalism is everything. Hired to assist in the bitter, bloody fighting on the planet Hall, they quickly earn a decisive victory for their employer. They settle afterward in for a needed period of rebuilding, and a few months peace before moving on to the next contract.
Auf Amazon kaufen: https://amzn.to/2Cz9Bv5
Forever Faithful
In the year 3060, the reborn Star League has destroyed Clan Smoke Jaguar, conquered their home world Huntress, and scattered the few remaining Jaguar warriors to the winds. Now the League seeks to end the Clan invasion for good by using former Smoke Jaguars against their own people.
Meanwhile, two bitter enemies seek to salvage a future for the last Jaguars in existence: Trent, who betrayed his wayward Clan to help them regain their honor, and Paul Moon, a disgraced warrior torn between his pledged loyalty to the Star League and a duty to the Smoke Jaguar civilization he was born to protect.But power-hungry predators lurk in Clan space, waiting for the right time to strike the vulnerable Star League forces. And to the victor will go the spoils: the priceless artifacts of a destroyed Clan and the sacred genetics of the final generation of Smoke Jaguar warriors.
Trent and Paul Moon must fight tooth and nail against would-be conquerors to save the soul of the surviving Jaguar people before they are consigned to the annals of history. But will their divergent plans tear the survivors apart, or lead them toward freedom?
Auf Amazon kaufen: https://amzn.to/2WCkliU
The Hunt for Jardine (Forgotten Worlds 1)
Freelance explorer and treasure hunter Dr. Brooklyn Stevens has made her career finding lost artifacts from Inner Sphere history, but during the waning days of the FedCom Civil War, a job offered by the academic organization known as Interstellar Expeditions affords her the chance to pursue the find of a lifetime: a missing planet, one lost in the ravages of the brutal Succession Wars.
But the world of Jardine did not only die in fire—it was erased from stellar maps entirely, and Brooke’s employer wants to know why.
She must hunt down the only known link to this forgotten world: a dangerous predator native to Jardine, whose initial discoverer was silenced under mysterious circumstances. Someone wants this planet to remain buried—and they will go to any lengths to ensure that Brooke’s quest to uncover the truth of Jardine’s disappearance ends in tragedy.
Auf Amazon kaufen: https://amzn.to/3lXm3GC
Auf Drivethru kaufen: https://www.drivethrufiction.com/product/315787/BattleTech-The-Hunt-for-Jardine-Forgotten-Worlds-Part-One
Finding Jardine (Forgotten Worlds 2)
Interstellar explorer and freelance treasure hunter Dr. Brooklyn Stevens has made the find of a lifetime—an entire planet thought lost for centuries. Jardine was supposedly wiped off the maps of the Inner Sphere during the hard-fought Succession Wars, but the verdant forested world she and her adventuring partner just crash-landed on tells a much different story.
And so do its inhabitants. Dr. Stevens and her partner soon find themselves between two very different groups: one whose members are an unholy amalgamation of man and machine, the other a hardy group that lives off the land. Both groups are soon after Stevens and her knowledge about Jardine—one side to protect the planet from those that would seek to reclaim it, the other intent on killing anyone who knows of its existence. Caught between both sides, Brooklyn must uncover the mysteries of Jardine…and stay alive long enough to tell the universe about it…
Auf Amazon kaufen: https://amzn.to/2F5iqxP
Auf Drivethru kaufen: https://www.drivethrufiction.com/product/327276/BattleTech-Finding-Jaradine-Forgotten-Worlds-Part-Two
Fall From Glory (Founding of the Clans 1)
100 million dead.
500 million wounded.
One billion homeless.
The worst war in human history is over—and has left the Star League shattered. Jealousy and infighting from the five Great House Lords over who will be the next First Lord has the entire Inner Sphere already teetering on the brink of all-out conflict again.
Against this grim backdrop, Aleksandr Kerensky, commanding general of the Star League Defense Force, faces a terrible choice. Stay, and see the mightiest military ever known subsumed into the Great Houses, lighting a conflagration that may burn even brighter than the terrible Amaris Coup. Or do the unthinkable…
To save the Inner Sphere, Aleksander—along with his sons, Nicholas and Andery—must leave it behind. He marshals the largest fleet ever assembled to carry millions of people on thousands of JumpShips to head into the unknown. Exodus!
But though the Great General strives to make a fresh start for his people far from the Inner Sphere, old habits and allegiances are difficult to leave behind. Soon the Kerenskys and their followers face threats both external and internal as they search the endless black for a new world upon which they can forge a Star League-in-Exile…or die trying.
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Grey Watch Protocol (Highlander Covenant #1, The)
In the 32nd century, the Republic of the Sphere is beset on all sides, its enemies seeking the most importSURROUNDED BY THE ENEMY…ant weapon in the Inner Sphere: interstellar communication. As the forces of the Capellan Confederation advance toward the heart of the crumbling Republic, they are laser-focused on the one goal that will give them the upper hand and destroy the Republic once and for all: the planet of Northwind.
Homeworld of the famed Northwind Highlanders mercenaries, Northwind is not only the site of a century-old betrayal, it also boasts the only working hyperpulse generator along the line of the Confederation’s advance. Sang-shao Lindsey Baxter and the Fourth McCarron’s Armored Cavalry have been tasked with taking Northwind at all costs, and the besieged Republic is unable to lend further support to the defending XII Hastati Sentinels. Northwind will be easy pickings, and other sharks smell blood in the water. The Highlanders’ honor remains strong, but will it be enough to survive the coming storm?
Auf Amazon kaufen: https://amzn.to/30tHuVW
Paid in Blood (Highlander Covenant, The #2) (3150)
On the besieged planet of Northwind, the Highlanders are fighting a tenacious invading force from the Capellan Confederation, led by a regiment from the legendary McCarron’s Armored Calvary, with support from Warrior House Imarra.
The first round went to the Capellans, who seized the city of Tara and the invaluable HPG located within it. But their position is precarious with the revelation of the Grey Watch, a legendary Highlanders fighting force that revealed itself when Northwind was in danger of falling, and turned what could have been an all out Capellan victory into an uneasy stalemate.
The arrival of a Draconis Combine fleet, recent allies of the Confederation, shifts the balance even further. Will the reinforced Capellan force finally bring Northwind back under the rule of the Celestial Throne, or will Countess Tara Campbell, Captain Declan Casey, and Knight of the Republic Maeve Stirling find a way to lead the embattled Highlanders to victory?
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Honor’s Gauntlet
E-Book: 5,08 €, Taschenbuch: 9,75 €
Clan Jade Falcon’s war efforts draw closer to Terra, but to conquer this ultimate prize, the Falcons’ vicious Khan, Malvina Hazen, must be able to trust all of her warriors to carry out her commands without hesitation—no matter how much death or collateral damage they will cause. For Malvina, victory is the only thing that matters, and those who stand in her way suffer swift and brutal elimination.
Star Captain Archer Pryde is an unconventional Falcon MechWarrior who chafes at carrying out his Khan’s terror tactics, but he delivers results in combat, so Malvina has turned a blind eye to his beliefs so far. But when civilians on a conquered world revolt against their Clan masters, innocents are caught in the Falcons’ crosshairs. Archer and his fellow MechWarriors must prove their mettle to Star Colonel Nikita Malthus, the Khan’s vindictive advisor, by carrying out their scorched-earth orders to the letter. But are these orders a betrayal of what it means to be a true and honorable Jade Falcon? With both his loyalty and honor in question, Archer must run the gauntlet between duty and principles, or risk his own destruction.
Auf Amazon kaufen: https://amzn.to/2Y4mXXM
Auf Drivethrugh kaufen: https://www.drivethrufiction.com/product/324251/BattleTech-Honors-Gauntlet
Hour of the Wolf
E-Book: 6,58 € Taschenbuch: 14,74 €
Since the Clan Invasion of 3050 ended in failure, there are those who have not forgotten Nicholas Kerensky’s ultimate goal: The conquering of Terra, and the rise of one Clan above all others…to become the ilClan, and rule over both the rest of the Clans and the Inner Sphere…regardless of what the Great Houses may say about it…
Now, in 3151, two Clans make the final jump into the shattered remains of the Republic of the Sphere. Their target: the cradle of humankind…and the ultimate symbol of the Inner Sphere…Terra. But Clans Jade Falcon and Wolf will face a powerful, tenacious enemy in the remaining forces of the Republic, led by their resurrected leader, Devlin Stone. The impending battle will engulf the entire planet, and when it is over, only one shall stand supreme…
Auf Amazon kaufen (Taschenbuch & E-Book): https://amzn.to/3bDv7xM
Auf Drivethru kaufen (E-Book): https://www.drivethrufiction.com/product/341913/BattleTech-Hour-of-the-Wolf?affiliate_id=295148
Icons of War
After the Word of Blake exacts an incalculable toll on Clan Wolf, Elemental warrior Garmen Kerensky is tasked by Wolf Khan Vlad Ward to undertake an audacious, top-secret mission in the Clan Homeworlds. While other covert teams help the Wolves evacuate Clan Space, Garmen’s command will steal the most prized relic of Clan history: the body of the Great Father, Commanding General Aleksandr Kerensky, Garmen’s ancestor. But the father of the Clans’ founder is entombed aboard the McKenna’s Pride, a Star League-era WarShip in permanent geosynchronous orbit above the Clans’ capital city, a staunchly guarded vessel that will take ingenuity, a warrior’s spirit, and more than a little luck to reach.
Stealing his ancestor’s remains is a tall order under normal circumstances, but the Homeworld Clans are on the verge of open warfare with each other, and this mission threatens to blow Clan society apart entirely. As the elite warrior guards of the Ebon Keshik hunt Garmen, he and his hardened team must navigate the intrigue of the shadowy Dark Caste to have any hope of reaching the Pride alive. But no plan ever survives enemy contact, and Garmen must overcome the forces arrayed against him or risk forever losing the Great Father’s body to the chaos and destruction of the Clans’ internal warfare.
Auf Amazon kaufen: https://amzn.to/3iZ7osK
Auf Drivethru kaufen: https://www.drivethrufiction.com/product/330116/BattleTech-Icons-of-War
Kell Hounds Ascendant
The Kell Hounds are one of the most storied mercenary units in the Inner Sphere. Now, New York Times-bestselling author and Kell Hounds creator Michael A. Stackpole goes back to the Hounds’ beginnings in these three short novels, when Morgan and Patrick Kell were just two smart, ambitious brothers—with a plan to revolutionize the world of mercenaries forever…
Not How the Smart Money Bets: Morgan and Patrick Kell land on the mercenary planet Galatea to start their new unit, the Kell Hounds. But a few obstacles in their way, including the biggest one, a ruthless crime lord named Haskell Blizzard. But the Kell brothers have faced long odds before, and come out on top every single time. When the chips are down, the smart money is always on the brothers Kell.
A Tiny Bit of Rebellion: Galatea’s capital city, Galaport, is threatened by a new enemy: Bishop Arlington Poore, a religious zealot who wants to bring the entire planet under his repressive theocracy—and is willing to starve millions to do it. The Kell Hounds now have their first job: put down this uprising, and fast. But when a madman has converted thousands of civilians to his side, how will Morgan and Patrick end his misguided crusade without shedding innocent blood?
A Clever Bit of Fiction: When the Archon hires the Kell Hounds to provide security for war games with Prince Ian Davion’s forces in a show of combined strength between the Lyran Commonwealth and the Federated Suns, Morgan Kell thinks it’s a chance to relax while getting to know the mercurial leader of the Federated Suns. But when a powerful group of raiders lands on Zavijava, he finds himself facing two threats—stopping the invaders from wrecking the planet while protecting Prince Davion. Trouble is, before the fighting is over, Morgan may have to make a dangerous choice…with the possible fate of three Great Houses lying in the balance…
Auf Amazon kaufen: https://amzn.to/2ZN6BEl
Nellus Academy Incident, The
The battlefields of the 31st century are commanded by the BattleMech, twelve-meter-tall, 100-ton bipedal engines of destruction. Fought by MechWarriors, commanded by neo-feudal officers, owned by national governments and band of mercenaries, these ’Mechs make every other ground combat vehicle obsolete. This is the warfare of fusion-powered giants. This is BattleTech. THRUST INTO BATTLE TODAY…
Allegra Greene is no stranger to the military; her father is a general, after all. But when she enters the Nellus Military Academy, she find far more than she expected. She finds a group of friends that will keep her going, challenging training, and instructors that push her to the edge and beyond.
Unfortunately, that’s not all she finds, and soon the endemic politics and warfare of the Inner Sphere reach the Nellus Academy. Soon, Allegra and her friends are in a life-or-death struggle to survive!
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Redemption Rift
It is the Dark Age—3139—and the famed mercenary regiments of Wolf’s Dragoons have returned to the employ of House Kurita after a century of bitter enmity. Somehow, mercenaries and Kuritans must find a way to work together in a combined invasion of the Dragon’s oldest enemy, House Davion.
Thrust into the middle of this new conflict, Colonel Henry Kincaid is surprised by the commonalities—duty, honor, expediency—the Wolves and Combine forces share.
But as the Wolves’ lightning tactics and unstoppable drive brings world after Davion world under the Dragon’s banner, old hatreds arise anew, and with them come insidious plots engineered to cause the mercenaries’ downfall.
Throughout the campaign, Colonel Kincaid struggles to rectify what he thought he had always known about the Kuritans with the truth he discovers while actually working with them. But when his forces are trapped on a Davion world with no way to escape and the regiments of House Davion closing in, can he pull another bit of genius from his hat, or will the battalions of Wolf’s Dragoons be destroyed?
Auf Amazon kaufen: https://amzn.to/39gdyRg
Rock of the Republic
Exarch Devlin Stone, hero of the Word of Blake Jihad and architect of the Republic of the Sphere, has returned to Terra only to find his beloved nation under siege and in danger of breaking apart. As threats bear down on the Republic from all sides, Stone and his inner circle must move fast to bolster Terra’s defenses from all who seek to conquer the birthplace of humanity.
However, not all of his allies have heeded Stone’s call to arms. Former Exarch Damien Redburn, who left Terra to defend the Republic’s borders from the rapacious Clan Wolf, was cut off when the walls of Fortress Republic rose. Without support or reinforcements, Redburn, the Fidelis, and Countess Tara Campbell’s Highlanders have held the line against the Wolves for years, but the never-ending campaign has pushed all of them to their breaking points.
Is Stone’s return genuine, or a carefully crafted hoax? Can Redburn be brought back into the fold, or has he gone rogue for good? In the end, Stone, Redburn, and their allies must each decide their path before tensions can erupt in a clash that could shake the very foundation of the Republic.
Auf Amazon kaufen: https://amzn.to/30TTOPy
Iron Dawn (Rogue Academy Trilogy #1)
Jasper and Nadine Roux are cadets at the Ritza MechWarrior Academy; a dream come true for the orphaned siblings from the war-torn planet of Hoff. For the last six years, Emporia has been their home. Sponsored to the academy by the powerful Vogel House, both cadets are expected to excel in all tasks.T
heir dream becomes a nightmare when the Draconis Combine lands at their door.
It’s up to the siblings to stop a renegade Seventh Ghost Regiment warlord when he lays claim to a piece of the Inner Sphere—starting with the Federated Suns’ planet of Emporia. The border world looks like easy prey, but this warrior of the Dragon is about to learn how wrong he is. After the few MechWarriors on the planet are taken hostage, the Sponsored and Blooded cadets of the Ritza Academy fight like they have nothing left to lose.
It’s a fight that will cost them more than they know.
Auf Amazon kaufen: https://amzn.to/3eMFD3E
Ghost Hour (Rogue Academy Trilogy #2)
Jasper and Nadine Roux are cadets at the Ritza MechWarrior Academy…the only thing stopping a megalomaniacal Draconis Combine general with aspirations of claiming a piece of space as his own—starting with their home planet. Emporia is at war, and cadets are now frontline soldiers as Tai-sa Takeji Yoshizawa shifts tactics in a brutal effort to subjugate their entire world.
It’s up to the siblings and their friends to stop the madman bent on conquest, but while Jasper believes Nadine is too reckless, Nadine believes Jasper is still living in the past. As both struggle to do what they think is right, the Ritza Academy comes under assault once more. It takes a shocking sacrifice to make them both see the true face of the enemy.
Reunited by the same purpose, Jasper agrees to Nadine’s audacious plan to make Emporia too much trouble for the leader of the Seventh Ghost Regiment to conquer. Unfortunately for them, Tai-sa Yoshizawa has his own secrets, and nothing left to lose. And even if Nadine’s plan works to perfection, the cunning general has one last trick up his sleeve that could bring about the end of everything Nadine and Jasper hold dear…
Auf Amazon kaufen: https://amzn.to/396ZKZk
Shell Games
For more than a decade, the Republic of the Sphere’s army hid in silence behind the mysterious, impregnable Wall of Fortress Republic. But now the Wall has come down, and Paladin Max Ergen, commander of Operation Eruptio, has his sights set on an invaluable prize. His target: Dieron, a Draconis Combine military district capital, a former Republic world harboring secrets from past wars. His troops have spent years training in isolation behind the Wall, and they are hungry for battle, ready to remind the Inner Sphere that the wounded Republic is still a force to be reckoned with.
But Dieron is also the fortress of Warlord Kambei Okamoto, one of the Combine’s top military officials, and he and his Dieron Regulars are committed to holding the line and defending their home against Republic aggression, no matter the cost. Although the Republic may have surprise and numbers on their side, the Combine troops boast the strength of an impregnable redoubt—and the keen edge of their own unimpeachable honor. And when these two forces clash, the battle for Dieron will be a titanic one indeed…
Auf Amazon kaufen: https://amzn.to/3eIDIx6
A Splinter of Hope/The Anvil
Jump into your BattleMech cockpit, fire up your fusion engine, and charge into the fray with two BattleTech novellas from Philip A. Lee and bestselling writer Blaine Lee Pardoe.
A Splinter of Hope: Violent expansion of the Capellan Confederation and the Draconis Combine has cost recently crowned First Prince Julian Davion both his mentor and countless Federated Suns worlds. To rally his people, he funnels the fires of justice into an ambitious yet risky campaign to retake a vital system: New Syrtis, the occupied capital of the Capellan March. However, the Capellan people have fought dearly for their prize and will do anything in their power to hold onto it. Will Julian’s gamble preserve the future of the Federated Suns, or is the invasion doomed before it even begins?
The Anvil: Khan Malvina Hazen of Clan Jade Falcon is known throughout the Inner Sphere as a merciless, bloodthirsty tyrant. The next target for her scorched-earth, take-no-prisoners tactics is the Lyran Commonwealth world of Coventry: a persistent stain on the Jade Falcons’ history. But not all Falcons follow Malvina’s lead. Ordered to take Coventry at any cost, Galaxy Commander Stephanie Chistu wishes to see her Clan victorious, but no victory is worth the Jade Falcons losing their very soul. To stand up to tyranny and find an honorable path forward for her Clan, she must balance the razor’s edge between duty and honor—or die trying.
Auf Amazon kaufen: https://amzn.to/2ZLi8DV