Ära TROs
Die Ära TROs sind eine neue Art von TROs, die Catalyst mit der neuen A Game of Armored Combat Grundbox gestartet hat. Anders als die alten Jahres-TROs beinhalten sie ausschließlich ‚Mechs. Ihr großer Vorteil gegenüber den Jahres-TROs ist, dass sie leicht zuzuordnen sind und daher auch Neueinsteigern und Neueinstegerinnen die Möglichkeit geben, spezifisch für die Ära die sie auch spielen wollen ein TRO zu erwerben.
Ebenfalls bedeutet die Konzentration auf ein Einzel-TRO für eine Ära, das sie einfacher im Umlaufe gehalten werden können, weil nicht über ein Dutzend verschiedener TROs ständig neu gedruckt werden müssen, sondern nur einige weniger. Das macht sie deutlich verfügbarer und damit auch eine Bereicherung, um neue Spieler und Spielerinnen an Battletech heranzuführen.
Technical Readout: Successsion Wars

On February 5, 2439, the Mackie obliterated all opposition during its first combat trial, ushering in a new era of warfare. The BattleMech—King of the Battlefield—was born. BattleMechs reached their pinnacle during the golden age of the Star League. The fall of the Star League and the Succession Wars that raged for centuries afterward took their toll and by the Fourth Succession War, the technology employed on the battlefields was a mere shadow of what it once was. However, the discovery of the Helm Memory Core unlocked the technological potential to develop new BattleMechs and experimental technologies for the first time in centuries.
Technical Readout: Succession Wars is the perfect “first Technical Readout” companion to the BattleMech Manual. Combining the ’Mechs previously found in Technical Readout: 3039, Technical Readout: 3050 Upgrade, Technical Readout: 3058 Upgrade, and Technical Readout: 3075, this volume features some of the most common ’Mechs from the Age of War to the Succession Wars. Each machine is illustrated in detail, and accompanied by a description of its history, capabilities, game stats, along with their most famous pilots.
Note: This is a compilation volume. The entries in this book are reprinted from Technical Readout: 3039, Technical Readout: 3050 Upgrade, Technical Readout: 3058 Upgrade, and Technical Readout: 3075. Players who own those Technical Readouts will find the same units presented in Technical Readout: Succession Wars.
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Technical Readout: Clan Invasion

On 27 September 3048, the ComStar Explorer Corps JumpShip Outbound Lightstumbled onto the Clan Homeworlds, setting in motion a massive invasion of the Inner Sphere by the Clans. At first sweeping all before them with their advanced technologies, the Clans met defeat at the Battle of Tukayyid and were stymied by a 15-year truce. With the clock ticking, the Inner Sphere’s elite took the battle directly to the Clan Homeworlds. There, the destruction of Clan Smoke Jaguar and the defeat of the Clans in the Great Refusal ended the invasion.
In their absence, political machinations continued across the Inner Sphere. As the victorious forces returned home, the mighty Federated Commonwealth tore itself apart in a titanic Civil War spanning a thousand light years as Houses Davion and Steiner pitted brother against sister. These large-scale conflicts accelerated technical advancements, as a new generation of BattleMechs and weapons appeared on a hundred worlds of conflict.
Technical Readout: Clan Invasion builds on Technical Readout: Succession Warswith ’Mechs previously found in Technical Readout: 3050 Upgrade, Technical Readout: 3055 Upgrade, Technical Readout: 3058 Upgrade, Technical Readout: 3060, and Technical Readout: 3067. This volume features some of the most common ’Mechs from the Clan Invasion and Civil War Eras, each illustrated in detail and accompanied by a description of its history, capabilities, and game stats, along with their most famous pilots.
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Technical Readout: Jihad

November 3067 saw the culmination of work two centuries in the making, work begun by Primus Conrad Toyama of ComStar, successor to Jerome Blake and the man responsible for single-handedly turning ComStar into a pseudo-religious organization with a vision: to lead mankind to the light.
But then the Second Star League collapsed .
Denied their dream, the Blakists fought to preserve the Star League against the follies of the Great Houses, its fanaticism manifested as the Jihad: a horrific war that pitted every nation against each other. This era saw bleeding edge machines march off to war, while venerable ’Mechs continued to receive upgrades and facelifts. Even primitive ’Mechs not seen in over half a millennia once again appear on the battlefield.
Technical Readout: Jihad expands on Technical Readout: Succession Wars and Technical Readout: Clan Invasion by combining the ’Mechs previously found in Technical Readout: 3050 Upgrade, Technical Readout: 3055 Upgrade, Technical Readout: 3058 Upgrade, Technical Readout: 3060, Technical Readout: 3067, Technical Readout: 3075, Technical Readout: 3085, and Technical Readout: Project Phoenix, this volume features some of the most common ’Mechs from the Jihad. Each machine is accompanied by an illustration, a description of its history, capabilities, and game stats.
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Technical Readout: Dark Age

From the star-spanning devastation of the Word of Blake Jihad arose the Republic of the Sphere, a new nation dedicated to breaking the centuries-long cycle of warfare plaguing the Inner Sphere and creating new innovation and prosperity for all.
The ideals of the Republic worked—for a time.
Then in 3132, hyperpulse generators across thousands of worlds went offline, enveloping the Inner Sphere in silence. Paranoia and opportunism ran rampant as age-old hostilities reignited and chaos ruled the day. The Republic, the grand experiment in hope, was torn asunder by hostile forces on every side.
The Republic Era—better known as the Dark Age—was a time of upheaval and opportunity. Fortunes rose and fell, nations crumbled and others reconstituted. And at the center of the whirlwind lay Terra, the crown jewel of the Republic, a prize waiting for the warrior strong enough to seize it.
Technical Readout: Dark Age expands on Technical Readout: Succession Wars, Technical Readout: Clan Invasion, and Technical Readout: Jihad by combining the ’Mechs previously found in Technical Readout: 3075, Technical Readout: 3085 (and its Supplemental), Technical Readout: 3145, Technical Readout: 3150, Technical Readout: Irregulars, Technical Readout: Prototypes, and more. This volume features some of the most common ’Mechs from the Dark Age. Each machine is accompanied by an illustration, a description of its history, capabilities, and game stats.
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