Jahres TROs

Battletech begann mit TROs, die nach Jahreszahlen sortiert waren. Hierbei wurde aber nicht starr in einer Reihenfolge veröffentlicht. TRO 2750 erschien beispielsweise nach TRO 3025. Auch wenn es keine Jahreszahl trägt, füge ich TRO Prototypes hier ein, da es quasi TRO 3090 ist.

Die deutschen Übersetzungen der TROs trugen oftmals andere Jahreszahlen, da sie zusätzlich zu den Inhalten der Originale noch Informationen aus anderen Quellen enthielten. Warum man sich zu einem solchen Schritt entschlossen hat, weiß ich nicht. Ich beschränke mich hier allerdings eh auf die englischen Originale, da die deutschen Ausgaben allesamt nicht verfügbar sind.

Technical Readout 2750

In the year 2750, humanity was in the midst of a golden age. United under the interstellar government of the Star League, all mankind prospered and enjoyed an improved quality of life made possible by advances in technology, commerce, human rights, and the arts. Humanity had truly inherited the stars. But those same advances also carried a curse, for the engines of war from the Star League era possessed power unequalled in the Successor States today.

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Technical Readout 3025

This Technical Readout lists the capabilities and history of the most common pieces of military hardware used by the major Houses of the Successor States in the year 3025. Focusing on BattleMechs and Aerospace Fighters, this volume also discusses important combat and support vehicles as well as the rare Land-Air-Mechs. In all, 55 ‚Mechs, 15 fighters, 3 LAMs, 4 DropShips, and 12 Vehicles are described and illustrated, making this volume a must for all, from historians to MechWarriors.

Aufgrund von Rechtstreitigkeiten um einen großen Teil der genutzten Mechzeichnungen, ist das Buch nicht mehr verfügbar. Es wurde zuerst durch Technical Readout 3025: The Succession Wars ersetzt, später durch Technical Readout 3039.

Technical Readout 3025: The Succession Wars

In the year 3025, war rages across all of known space. The Successor Lords vie for supremacy over the entire Inner Sphere, each commanding a vast army of troops. At the forefront of these forces are BattleMechs, 12-meter tall humanoid juggernauts bristling with enough firepower to level a city block. Centuries of war have taken their toll, and ‚Mechs have become scarce and valuable. The presence of these behemoths on the battlefield often spells the difference between victory and defeat!

This revised edition of the original Technical Readout: 3025 features the most popular and powerful BattleMechs of the Succession Wars, as well as a selection of support vehicles, aerospace craft and rare Star League-era ‚Mechs. Each of these war machines is illustrated in detail, accompanied by a description of its history and capabilities and complete BattleTech game statistics. Fully compatible with the BattleTech boxed game.

Das Buch ist nicht mehr verfügbar. Es wurde durch Technical Readout 3039 ersetzt.

Technical Readout 3026

The year is 3026 and war has ravaged the thousands of worlds of the Inner Sphere for centuries. Successor Lords send clashing armies to conquer their neighbors and re-establish the long-lost Star League. Though the BattleMech is the king of the battlefield, it is supported by a much vaster array of conventional vehicles that fight every where from premier border worlds to the back waters of beyond. When in the hands of an experienced field commander, even a BattleMech must be leery when facing a company of tanks.

Das Buch ist nicht mehr verfügbar. Es wurde durch Technical Readout 3026 Revised ersetzt.

Technical Readout 3026 Revised

The year is 3026 and war has ravaged the thousands of worlds of the Inner Sphere for centuries. Successor Lords send clashing armies to conquer their neighbors and re-establish the long-lost Star League. Though the BattleMech is the king of the battlefield, it is supported by a much vaster array of conventional vehicles that fight every where from premier border worlds to the back waters of beyond. When in the hands of an experienced field commander, even a BattleMech must be leery when facing a company of tanks.

This revised edition of the original Technical Readout: 326 features the most common military vehicles of the Succession Wars. Additionally, this volume contains nineteen vehicles, aerospace fighters, DropShips and JumpShips mentioned in the fictional context of the BattleTech universe but never before presented in a technical readout

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Technical Readout 3039

In 2781 the Star League was officially abandoned, ending a two hundred year-long Golden Age. In 2785 the Successor Lords launched a series of massive conflicts that would rage for centuries and become known as The Succession Wars. Such endless warfare has taken its toll and by the Fourth Succession War of 3028, the technology employed on the battlefields is a mere shadow of the height of the Star League. However, the discovery of the Helm Memory Core is beginning to unlock such sought-after secrets, with new BattleMechs and experimental technologies starting to make a debut for the first time in centuries.

Classic BattleTech Technical Readout: 3039™ is the perfect “first Technical Readout” companion to the Classic BattleTech Introductory Box Set. Combining the ’Mechs, vehicles and aerospace fighters previously found in Technical Readout: 3025, Revised and Technical Readout: 3026, Revised, this volume features some of the most common units of the Succession Wars. Each machine is illustrated in detail, accompanied by a description of its history, capabilities, game stats, along with their most famous pilots.

Technical Readout 3039 ersetzt sowohl TRO 3025 als auch TRO 3026.  Im Gegensatz zum Quasinachfolger Technical Readout Succession Wars sind nicht nur Mechs enthalten.

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Technical Readout 3050 (The Return of Kerensky)

Den Klappentext für das alte Buch konnte ich leider nicht auftreiben. Es wurde aufgrund von Rechtstreitigkeiten durch Technical Readout 3050 Revised ersetzt und später durch Technical Readout 3050 Upgrade.

Technical Readout 3050 Revised (The Return of Kerensky)

Den Klappentext für das alte Buch konnte ich leider nicht auftreiben. Es wurde durch Technical Readout 3050 Upgrade ersetzt.

Technical Readout 3050 Upgrade

General Aleksandr Kerensky and three-quarters of the Star League Defense Force departed human-occupied space more than two hundred and fifty years ago, only to return in 3050 as the Clans: a society dedicated to the highest warrior ideals and bent on conquering the Inner Sphere. With their superior technology and OmniMechs, they almost proved unstoppable, before their defeat at Tukayyid and its fifteen year truce. The year is 3070, and while the Truce of Tukayyid has expired, the Jihad rages. The Inner Sphere ‚Mechs hastily upgraded with field modifications to counter the Clans are proving their worth, as notable pilots rise to become heroes and new, more time tested variants—sporting weapons right out of R&D labs—make their presence felt, while the Clan OmniMechs continue to prove they are still the cutting edge of military technology.

Classic BattleTech Technical Readout: 3050 Upgrades fully updates this venerable product, fleshing out the history of each design, including notable MechWarriors/pilots, as well as providing fresh illustrations. Additionally, all the ‚Mechs, vehicles and aerospace fighters originally found in the now out-of-print Technical Readout: 2750 are included.

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Technical Readout 3055

In 3049, without warning, Kerensky’s heirs set upon the Inner Sphere in a savage series of battles known collectively as the Invasion. On Tukayyid the Com Guards brought the seemingly unstoppable Clan war machine to a halt. The Invasion ended as suddenly as it had begun, and left in its place an uneasy peace. Both sides now had an opportunity to reassess their opponent’s strengths and weaknesses and respond. By 3055, the first of a new breed of BattleMechs rolled off the assembly lines of the Inner Sphere, machines designed specifically to counter the technologically advanced weapons used by the Clans. Only time will tell if these new designs will be enough to turn the tide when battle is joined once again.

The BattleTech Technical Readout: 3055 contains illustrations, descriptions, and complete statistics for new Inner Sphere BattleMechs and Clan OmniMechs, OmniFighters, and second-line BattleMechs.

TRO 3055 wurde ebenfalls von den Rechtstreitigkeiten um einige Einheitenbilder getroffen und infolgedessen durch Technical Readout 3055 Revised und später durch Technical Readout 3055 Upgrade ersetzt.

Technical Readout 3055 Revised

Den Klappentext für das alte Buch konnte ich leider nicht auftreiben. Es wurde durch Technical Readout 3055 Upgrade ersetzt.

Technical Readout 3055 Upgrade

The Changing Face of Battle

In 3055, a new breed of Inner Sphere BattleMech started rolling off assembling lines—’Mechs specifically designed to counter the Clan invasion—at the same time that secondline Clan ’Mechs began to appear. By 3067 those design have become a staple of the modern battlefield, giving rise to notable MechWarriors and new variants, while the demands of the ever-popular Solaris VII Games have resulted in a plethora of new dueling ’Mechs designed using prototype technology.

Technical Readout: 3055 Upgrade presents the Solaris VII ’Mechs built using prototype technologies. Upgraded in appearance and technology, the designs first presented in the Solaris VII box set and Solaris: The Reaches are now back in print, along with several new Solaris VII designs. In addition to the upgraded appearance of selected Clan designs, all the art work for Technical Readout: 3055 Upgrade is new, providing fresh illustrations of now classic Inner Sphere BattleMechs and Clan OmniFighters.

The ’Mechs in the Solaris VII BattleMechs section are constructed using select equipment found in Tactical Operations. To use those designs, players will need that book.

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Technical Readout 3057

In 3049, the first Clan forces appeared in the Inner Sphere. Armed with advanced technologies of a long-dead age, the warlike invaders unleashed a devastating blitzkrieg, capturing world after world until a total Clan victory seemed certain. Unable to match the enemy’s superior ‚Mechs, the Inner Sphere militaries increasingly turned to their combat fleets for relief, only to find the skies filled with deadly Clan DropShips, JumpShips, and WarShips—massive vessels not seen in the Inner Sphere for hundreds of years. Now the Great Houses have begun to rebuild their own armadas and stand ready to challenge the Clan invaders in the infinite battlefield of space.

Technical Readout 3057 wurde später durch Technical Readout 3057 Revised ersetzt. Ausnahmsweise nicht, um auf einen Rechtstreit zu reagieren, sondern lediglich, um die Designs an das geänderte Regewelwerk Aerotech 2 anzupassen.

Technical Readout 3057 Revised

In 3049, the first Clan forces appeared in the Inner Sphere. Armed with advanced technologies of a long-dead age, the warlike invaders unleashed a devastating blitzkrieg, capturing world after world until a total Clan victory seemed certain. Unable to match the enemy’s superior ‚Mechs, the Inner Sphere militaries increasingly turned to their combat fleets for relief, only to find the skies filled with deadly Clan DropShips, JumpShips, and WarShips—massive vessels not seen in the Inner Sphere for hundreds of years. Now the Great Houses have begun to rebuild their own armadas and stand ready to challenge the Clan invaders in the infinite battlefield of space.

This revised edition of the original Technical Readout: 3057 contains descriptions, illustrations, and full Aerotech 2 statistics for the Inner Sphere and Clan DropShips, JumpShips, WarShips, small craft, and space stations common in 3057. Additionally, this volume contains twenty-four WarShips mentioned in the fictional context of the BattleTech universe but never before presented in a technical readout.

Das Buch ist leider weder in gedruckter noch in digitaler Form erhältlich.

Technical Readout 3058

Incredible discoveries of ancient, long-buried Star League records have uncovered dozens of BattleMech and vehicle designs thought lost to antiquity. Re-tooled for the 31st century, these blueprints have produced the latest and most effective weapons in the Inner Sphere’s life-or-death struggle against the invading Clans.

BattleTech Technical Readout: 3058 provides illustrations, descriptions and game statistics for these classic units and for new Inner Sphere and Clan BattleMechs, including modular BattleMech designs featured in full color. Technical Readout: 3058 also offers a host of tanks, hovercraft, and other armored vehicles upgraded with the latest weapons and equipment.

Technical Readout 3058 wurde später durch Technical Readout 3058 Upgrade ersetzt.

Technical Readout 3058 Upgrade

In the 3050s, the discoveries of long-buried Star League records led to a plethora of new cutting-edge BattleMech and vehicle designs by the end of that decade, resurrected from the blueprints of design firms centuries old and thought lost to antiquity. Ten years later, these designs have moved from novelty to workhorse, as the Inner Sphere once more finds itself at war!

Fully updated to circa 3070, BattleTech Technical Readout: 3058 Upgrade launches these designs into the Jihad time frame, including notable MechWarriors/crews, as well as new variants. Additionally, a battle armor section has been included, providing full BattleTech stats, and updating the histories for these twenty venerable designs.

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Technical Readout 3060

The Great Houses of the Inner Sphere have created a new Star League to end the Clan threat, launching an all-out attack against the most powerful Clan, Smoke Jaguar. During this campaign, the Inner Sphere was assaulted by a new and deadly creation: the ProtoMech. Swift and deadly, these half-size ‘Mechs proved agile and difficult to destroy. Now, other Clans will quickly field this potent new weapons against the Inner Sphere, hoping to once more tip the balance of power in their favor.

BattleTech Technical Readout: 3060 provides descriptions, game statistics and the history of development for the Clans‘ most unusual weapon: the ProtoMech. Additionally, new Inner Sphere and Clan BattleMechs and OmniMechs are included, as well as Clan vehicles.

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Technical Readout 3067

In the savage FedCom Civil War that rocked the Lyran Alliance and the Federated Commonwealth for the past five years, new machines of war have been rapidly tested and put in the field to help turn the tide of battle in each faction’s favor. The Clans and other Houses have also been busy, as the internal and external conflicts drive the rapid deployment of new military hardware.

BattleTech Technical Readout: 3067 provides descriptions, game statistics and illustrations for new BattleMech and vehicle designs. It finally unveils the next generation of Inner Sphere aerospace fighters and OmniFighters, as well as the Clan’s second-line fighters. A handful of new DropShips are also premiered. This technical readout includes those designs previously published in the Field Manual series.

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Technical Readout 3075

In November 3067 the Second Star League disbanded. The Word of Blake—a splinter group of ComStar—had been on the verge of joining in fulfillment of ancient prophecies. Denied their dream, the Blakists sought to preserve the Star League against the follies of the Houses, but its fanaticism manifested this noble goal as the Jihad: a horrific war that has pitted every faction against each other and even themselves. Against such an anvil, new cutting edge machines of war are marched into the fire. The discovery of an ancient Hegemony Memory Core graphically showcases the desperation of the conflict, as primitive ’Mechs not seen on a battlefield since the dawn of ’Mech production over a half millennia ago once again appear.

Classic BattleTech Technical Readout: 3075 provides a comprehensive look at the latest machines of war debuting during the Jihad: from ’Mechs to battle armor, Support Vehicles to DropShips and more. In addition, a complete „Age of War“ section covers the Terran Hegemony and each of the five Great Houses during the Age of War, including the very first BattleMechs produced by each faction and how such machines are starting to appear once more. Each military vehicle is illustrated in detail, accompanied by a description of its history, capabilities, game stats, and some of the unit’s most famous pilots.

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Technical Readout 3085

In December 3076, Devlin Stone marshaled the nations of the Inner Sphere and began Operation SCOUR. The two-year final push to Terra was the bloodiest fighting seen in centuries. In the end, Terra had been freed with the Word of Blake scattered to the darkest corners of the universe. Stepping into that vacuum, Stone forged a new „Terran Hegemony“ in The Republic of the Sphere. With the end of the Jihad, the survivors are rebuilding their shattered armies, introducing new machines to replace those whose factories ceased to exist in the fires of the Jihad.

BattleTech Technical Readout: 3085 gives a detailed look at the machines introduced during the waning days of the Jihad and into the founding days of Devlin Stone’s Republic of the Sphere. This book includes the latest ‚Mechs, battle armor, aerospace and vehicles as well as new late-Jihad support vehicles. In addition, this sourcebook heralds the long-awaited update of Technical Readout: Project Phoenix, featuring brand-new art and additional variants. Conventional infantry make their Technical Readout debut with fifty-six individual infantry formations from classic foot infantry to xeno-planetary soldiers. And finally, after more than twenty years of silence, Land-Air BattleMechs explode back into a Technical Readout with a look at the original four LAMs and their Star League history.

TRO 3085 war das größte TRO das wir jemals hatten. Es war sogar so groß, dass eine nicht geringe Zahl an Einheiten auf ein PDF-exklusives Zusatz-TRO ausgelagert werden mussten. TRO 3085 Supplemental. Auch in der Darstellung der Einheiten wich TRO 3085 von der Norm ab und viele Einträge waren technischer als sie das in der Vergangenheit waren. Das ganze blieb natürlich nicht ohne Probleme und die Konsequenzen daraus waren, dass spätere TROs wieder mehr dazu übergingen, eine Geschichte zu erzählen. Technische Daten finden wir schließlich im Stat-Block.

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Technical Readout 3085 Supplemental

Even the most thorough field reports can miss a detail or two. During the eventful times surrounding the end of the Word of Blake Jihad and the rise of the Republic of the Sphere, military factories across the Inner Sphere scrambled to rearm the various realms mauled by a decade of bloody conflict. In the shuffle, a few new developments emerged, overlooked in the grand scheme—but not for long.

Technical Readout: 3085 Supplemental provides details and gameplay statistics for additional infantry, battle armor, vehicles, ’Mechs, and aerospace units that debuted during the Jihad and its immediate aftermath.

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Techical Readout Prototypes

The March of Progress

The Jihad is over. A new Republic has been born. In the wake of one of humanity’s greatest conflicts, the Inner Sphere, Periphery and Clans must adapt to new political and industrial realities—a new balance of power. But changes on the map are only the beginning. The Word of Blake’s war has scattered a new wave of technological progress across nearly every realm, giving rise to a new generation of combat units. Only the sheer devastation of the relentless fighting has slowed the arms race that is sure to come… but for how long?

Technical Readout: Prototypes introduces the wave of new battle armor, vehicle, ’Mech, and aerospace units that debuted in the years after the birth of the Republic of the Sphere. Featuring technologies rarely seen outside the testing fields or Solaris arenas, these new war machines provide a peek at the new age to come as mankind faces a new century.

For use with BattleTech, Total Warfare, Tactical Operations, and Strategic Operations.

TRO Prototypes ist quasi TRO 3090. Es umfasst einige komplett neue Einheiten, aber auch viele Produktionsvarianten aus der Experimental Technical Readout Reihe. Es markierte ebenfalls meinen Einstieg als Autor in das Battletech-Universum (bis dahin war ich nur im Hintergrund tätig). Das TRO hat allerdings auch bis heute keinen vollständigen Record Sheet Band, was ich ausgesprochen tragisch finde und wohl auch mit dafür verantwortlich ist, dass Record Sheets seitdem regelmäßig mit in die TRO-PDFs integriert werden.

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Technical Readout 3145

Eve of Destruction
The great experiment that was the Republic of the Sphere has failed. Withdrawn behind the Fortress walls, the once-great power has become a silent, opaque remnant of its former glory. Without its influence, old hatreds have risen anew. As war once more rages across the Inner Sphere, new equipment strides across ancient battlefields. Technology, once stagnated by trade restrictions and peace treaties, now surges forward again, testing these new machines in the fierce crucible of war.
Technical Readout: 3145 introduces the latest wave of new battle armor, vehicle, ’Mech, and aerospace units appearing in the Republic Armed Forces and across the Inner Sphere in the Dark Age era. Featuring new equipment described in Era Report: 3145 and Field Manual: 3145, this book brings players an update on the advancing technologies used in the battlefields of the thirty-second century.

TRO 3145 markierte eine endgültige Abkehr vom alten Veröffentlichungsmodell. Bevor das Buch in dieser Form erschien, wurden zuerst acht Mini-TROs als PDF veröffentlicht. Um die Probleme bei den Record Sheets von TRO Prototypes nicht zu wiederholen, kamen diese PDFs direkt mit den zugehörigen Record Sheets. Nach Abschluss der Reihe wurden einige der Einheiten daraus zu TRO 3145 zusammengefasst und bekamen neue Notable Pilot Einträge. Da nicht alle Einheiten im Sammelband untebracht werden konnte, ohne die Probleme von TRO 3085 zu wiederholen, wurde später ein zweiter Sammelband herausgebracht. TRO 3150 brachte die verbliebenen Einheiten in gedruckter Form auf den Markt und war wohl das letzte „klassische“ TRO.

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Technical Readout 3145 Capellan Confederation

Technical Readout: 3145 Capellan Confederation introduces the wave of new battle armor, vehicle, ‘Mech, and aerospace units appearing across the Inner Sphere in the Dark Age era. Featuring new and matured technology, and presented in this series of faction-specific PDFs, these combat units will add excitement and variety to any game table.
For use with BattleTech, Total Warfare, Tactical Operations, and Strategic Operations.

Technical Readout 3145 Draconis Combine

Technical Readout: 3145 Draconis Combine introduces the wave of new battle armor, vehicle, ‘Mech, and aerospace units appearing across the Inner Sphere in the Dark Age era. Featuring new and matured technology, and presented in this series of faction-specific PDFs, these combat units will add excitement and variety to any game table.
For use with BattleTech, Total Warfare, Tactical Operations, and Strategic Operations.

Technical Readout 3145 Federated Suns

Technical Readout: 3145 Federated Suns introduces the wave of new battle armor, vehicle, ‘Mech, and aerospace units appearing across the Inner Sphere in the Dark Age era. Featuring new and matured technology, and presented in this series of faction-specific PDFs, these combat units will add excitement and variety to any game table.
For use with BattleTech, Total Warfare, Tactical Operations, and Strategic Operations.

Technical Readout 3145 Free Worlds League

Technical Readout: 3145 Free Worlds League introduces the wave of new battle armor, vehicle, ‘Mech, and aerospace units appearing across the Inner Sphere in the Dark Age era. Featuring new and matured technology, and presented in this series of faction-specific PDFs, these combat units will add excitement and variety to any game table.
For use with BattleTech, Total Warfare, Tactical Operations, and Strategic Operations.

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Technical Readout 3145 Lyran Commonwealth

Technical Readout: 3145 Lyran Commonwealth introduces the wave of new battle armor, vehicle, ‘Mech, and aerospace units appearing across the Inner Sphere in the Dark Age era. Featuring new and matured technology, and presented in this series of faction-specific PDFs, these combat units will add excitement and variety to any game table.
For use with BattleTech, Total Warfare, Tactical Operations, and Strategic Operations.

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Technical Readout 3145 Mercenaries

Technical Readout: 3145 Mercenaries introduces the wave of new battle armor, vehicle, ‘Mech, and aerospace units appearing across the Inner Sphere in the Dark Age era. Featuring new and matured technology, and presented in this series of faction-specific PDFs, these combat units will add excitement and variety to any game table.
For use with BattleTech, Total Warfare, Tactical Operations, and Strategic Operations.

Technical Readout 3145 Republic of the Sphere

Technical Readout: 3145 Republic of the Sphere introduces the wave of new battle armor, vehicle, ‘Mech, and aerospace units appearing across the Inner Sphere in the Dark Age era. Featuring new and matured technology, and presented in this series of faction-specific PDFs, these combat units will add excitement and variety to any game table.
For use with BattleTech, Total Warfare, Tactical Operations, and Strategic Operations.

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Technical Readout 3145 The Clans

Technical Readout: 3145 The Clans introduces the wave of new battle armor, vehicle, ‘Mech, and aerospace units appearing across the Inner Sphere in the Dark Age era. Featuring new and matured technology, and presented in this series of faction-specific PDFs, these combat units will add excitement and variety to any game table.
For use with BattleTech, Total Warfare, Tactical Operations, and Strategic Operations.

Technical Readout 3150

The Walls Came Tumbling Down…
War has spread across the Inner Sphere, shattering and shifting alliances both old and new. As the Clans once more close in on humanity’s homeworld of Terra, the walls of Fortress have come down, revealing the return of Devlin Stone. Desperate for any edge, the Great Houses, Clans, and Periphery states of the Inner Sphere have unleashed a flood of new war machines, rushing them into battle on every front.
Technical Readout: 3150 collects the latest generation of battle armor, vehicles, ’Mechs, and aerospace units from around the Inner Sphere in a single print volume for the first time, complementing the Republic-heavy units shown in Technical Readout: 3145. Featuring new technologies found in Era Report: 3145 and Field Manual: 3145, with new variants and notable pilots, this volume provides players with a glimpse into the twilight years of the Dark Age Era.