Battletech Halloween: Ghosts of Obeedah & Premium Minis wieder verfügbar
Zuletzt aktualisiert am 28. Oktober 2023 von DarkISI
Fangen wir mit dem Halloween-Produkt für dieses Jahr an, immerhin ist sind es nur noch drei Tage.
Battletech Adventures: Ghosts of Obeedah
Falls ihr jetzt überlegt: Wer oder was war Obeedah? Laut Herb damals eine der fünf Hidden Worlds. Allerdings hat er die Aussage getroffen, als er schon nicht mehr Line Developer war.

Echoes of the Word
It’s 3152. Clan Wolf has taken Terra, and many of the Great Houses are in turmoil. As the Republic of the Sphere collapses once and for all, the fallout even affects those who lurk in the shadows. On an otherwise insignificant planet, a mysterious plague outbreak hearkens back to the horrors of the Jihad. But is this truly the work of the fallen Word of Blake, or is something else going on? The only answers may lie amid the ancient ruins of dead worlds.
BattleTech Adventures: Ghosts of Obeedah takes players into a dangerous hunt for one of the last great secrets of the Jihad. From ground zero of a lethal pandemic to the wreckage of long-fallen societies, join the search between the “safer” havens of a universe at war, and find out what happened to the fanatical monsters whose deadly legacy still haunts the Inner Sphere to this very day. This adventure includes biographies on several key personalities, special rules, and adventure Tracks designed for use with BattleTech, A Time of War: The BattleTech Role-Playing Game, A Time of War Companion, and MechWarrior: Destiny, as well as data and record sheets for key worlds, units, and non-player characters unique to this story.
Ghosts of Obeeda auf kaufen (PDF)
Rifleman und Phoenix Hawk Premium Miniatures
Die Premium Minis für den Rifleman (das war der, der damals viel zu klein ausfiel und den Spitznamen „Rifleboy“ bekam, die neue Auflage soll nun aber als sein Vater durchgehen) und der Phoenix Hawk sind wieder verfügbar. Bedenkt bitte, dass beide Links zum Catalyst Store in die USA gehen und die Versandkosten nach Europa da leider alles andere als lustig sind.

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Clan Wolf has gone to claim Terra to fulfill the promise made by Aleksandr Kerensky centuries ago. But for those left behind, their story is a very different one…
Star Captain Jacinda of Clan Wolf Is one such warrior. Stuck on Campbelton in the Wolf Empire due to injury, she commands a sibko training facility while stewing over her lost chance to go with the Wolf touman to attain glory in the campaign for Terra. But heroism comes in many forms, and when a new invader targets Campbelton, Jacinda is able to unleash her primal warrior nature, and defend the Wolf’s pups against all comers…
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