Icons of War – Cover Preview
Zuletzt aktualisiert am 9. September 2020 von DarkISI
Icons of War scheint nahe zu sein, denn Craig Reed, Jr. (der Autor) hat damit begonnen, Teile des Covers über Social Media Kanäle (Facebooklink) zu veröffentlichen.
Die nächsten Tage wird es mehr davon zu sehen geben.
Vlad Ward is planning Clan Wolf’s departure from the Homeworlds. But before they leave, there’s one thing he must acquire—the body of the Great Father, Aleksandr Kerensky, interred aboard the WarShip McKenna’s Pride. But with the floating tomb heavily guarded by the rest of the Clans, the mission seems impossible—until Ward turns to an Elemental with an unorthodox plan of recovering the general’s body.
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