
Elements of Treason: Opportunity – Jetzt im Handel

Zuletzt aktualisiert am 3. September 2022 von DarkISI

Der zweite Band der Elements of Treason Reihe ist nun verfügbar.

Der zweite Band dreht sich diesmal um das Lyran Commonwealth und ist im Jahr 3151 angesiedelt. Wir bekommen nun einen Einblick in Vedet Brewer und sein abtrünniges Reich.

Wie gewohnt gibt es nun erstmal das E-Book auf Amazon. Aber das Taschenbuch kommt sicher wieder bald und auch Drivethru wird es noch anbieten.

UPDATE: Das Taschenbuch ist verfügbar.

Update 2: Drivethru nun ebenfalls.


Dissatisfied with Archon Melissa Steiner’s leadership of the Lyran Commonwealth, Vedet Brewer, Duke of Hesperus, overthrew her rule in 3143 and claimed the mantle for himself—only to be unceremoniously removed from the position two years later. Brewer and his troops fled to the far reaches of Lyran space to lick his wounds and reevaluate his future, wandering the Commonwealth in search of potential allies and opportunities.

His travels finally led him and his First Hesperus Guards to one of his old haunts: Melissia, a former Lyran provincial capital, a world he has not returned to in two decades—the perfect place to put down new roots. But the Clan Jade Falcon occupiers have already departed, and in their absence, two opposing factions vie for dominance: one seeks a new future for Melissia, the other desperately clings to tradition and the old ways. All political avenues have failed, and a grinding war between commoners and aristocracy is their only discourse.

For an opportunist like Brewer, there is a clear path forward, but a ghost from his past calls everything he knew into question, and players in the shadows will stop at nothing to keep him from interfering in their carefully laid plans for the planet. Can Brewer muster the strength and courage to take advantage of this crisis, and plant the seeds of a new power capable of standing in defiance of the Archon?

Auf kaufen (Taschenbuch & E-Book)
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