Shrapnel 11
Zuletzt aktualisiert am 18. Dezember 2022 von DarkISI
Die alljährliche Weihnachtsausgabe von Shrapnel ist nun verfügbar.
Wird es wieder festliche Geschichten und Szenarios geben? Na sicher.

Shrapnel: The Official BattleTech Magazine transports you to the blistering, hard-hitting BattleMech conflicts that ravage the war-torn future of the 31st century and beyond!
A young Jade Falcon cadet must prove her mettle in a Trial of Position against a cunning opponent if she is going to become part of her struggling Clan’s future. Elite aerospace pilots from the Outworlds Alliance and the Snow Ravens meet in a clash for the ages, and a veteran wielding only an implement of peace stands up to defend his home against unusual invaders.
In this issue, you’ll sign up for a notorious mercenary unit and fight through your first day on the job. You’ll jockey to be first across the finish line in a hovertank race fraught with danger. You’ll chase the glory days of a once-noted BattleMech manufacturer in a quest to reinvigorate a declining enterprise and secure your birthright. Will you defeat your demons from the Battle of Tukayyid during battle with would-be conquerors? Will you escape from murderous cartel members, or succumb to the elements in the unrelenting, sun-beaten desert?
Load your chamber with technical articles, a Northwind Highlanders unit digest, a MechWarrior’s catalog of cockpit must-haves, a snow-filled RPG adventure, a BattleForce scenario, and more—all by BattleTech veterans and new enlistees:
Tom Leveen, Bryan Young, Russell Zimmerman, D. G. P. Rector, W. T. Brown, James Hauser, Chris G. Lane, R. J. Thomas, Phillip Johnston, Alayna M. Weathers, James Bixby, Étienne Charron-Willard, Matthew Cross, Wunji Lau, Eric Salzman, Tom Stanley & Stephen Toropov
Auf kaufen (Taschenbuch & E-Book)
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