Neue ProdukteShrapnel

Shrapnel 11

Zuletzt aktualisiert am 18. Dezember 2022 von DarkISI

Die alljährliche Weihnachtsausgabe von Shrapnel ist nun verfügbar.

Wird es wieder festliche Geschichten und Szenarios geben? Na sicher.


Shrapnel: The Official BattleTech Magazine transports you to the blistering, hard-hitting BattleMech conflicts that ravage the war-torn future of the 31st century and beyond!

A young Jade Falcon cadet must prove her mettle in a Trial of Position against a cunning opponent if she is going to become part of her struggling Clan’s future. Elite aerospace pilots from the Outworlds Alliance and the Snow Ravens meet in a clash for the ages, and a veteran wielding only an implement of peace stands up to defend his home against unusual invaders.

In this issue, you’ll sign up for a notorious mercenary unit and fight through your first day on the job. You’ll jockey to be first across the finish line in a hovertank race fraught with danger. You’ll chase the glory days of a once-noted BattleMech manufacturer in a quest to reinvigorate a declining enterprise and secure your birthright. Will you defeat your demons from the Battle of Tukayyid during battle with would-be conquerors? Will you escape from murderous cartel members, or succumb to the elements in the unrelenting, sun-beaten desert?

Load your chamber with technical articles, a Northwind Highlanders unit digest, a MechWarrior’s catalog of cockpit must-haves, a snow-filled RPG adventure, a BattleForce scenario, and more—all by BattleTech veterans and new enlistees:

Tom Leveen, Bryan Young, Russell Zimmerman, D. G. P. Rector, W. T. Brown, James Hauser, Chris G. Lane, R. J. Thomas, Phillip Johnston, Alayna M. Weathers, James Bixby, Étienne Charron-Willard, Matthew Cross, Wunji Lau, Eric Salzman, Tom Stanley & Stephen Toropov

Auf kaufen (Taschenbuch & E-Book)
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