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Battletech: Blood Will Rise von Tom Leveen

Am 18. April erscheint der nächste Battletech Roman in der ilClan Ära: Blood Will Rise. Diesmal geht es um die Capellan Confederation und natürlich Danai Liao-Centrella (um wen auch sonst?).

Derzeit könnt ihr das Buch auf Amazon als E-Book vorbestellen, aber natürlich wird es auch diesen Roman später digital bei anderen Händlern geben und er wird auf Amazon als Taschenbuch verfügbar sein.

Blood Will Rise


Danai Liao-Centrella rose to prominence on the gladiator world of Solaris VII before being sent to McCarron’s Armored Cavalry, where her victories on innumerable battlefields garnered her the position of shàng-xiào of the Second MAC. Her brother, Capellan Chancellor Daoshen Liao, now uses Danai as a powerful chess piece in his relentless quest to conquer Terra—despite her opposition to his ruthless tactics.

On the remote world of Sheratan, a violent resistance has formed, threatening Daoshen’s march toward Terra. Assuming command of the Liao forces there, Danai discovers that diplomacy is sometimes a dead-end. But achieving peace may cost more than she is willing to pay…

As Daoshen’s ambitions grow ever more expansive and his tactics ever more destructive, Danai is promoted to jiāng-jūn of the MAC to keep her out of Daoshen’s way. Robbed of any real power, Danai is forced to reckon with the Celestial Wisdom’s overreach and its cost to the Confederation in treasury, faith, and blood.

There are eyes on Daoshen’s crown. Rumors of a mad king. And a plot to have Danai ascend to the Capellan throne…

In the end, blood will rise… For the good of the state…

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