Innocent, and Defenseless – Mercenary Tales 2
Zuletzt aktualisiert am 10. Februar 2023 von DarkISI
Der zweite Band der Mercenary Tales Reihe ist verfügbar. Diesmal aus der Feder von Jason Hansa, dessen Geschichten ich immer sehr schätzte. Nicht nur qualitativ, sondern auch von seiner Arbeit im Hintergrund. Wenn Charaktere von anderen Autoren verwendet, meldet er sich. Wenn er andere Sprachen als Englisch verwendet, meldet er sich. Ich kriege öfter Ausschnitte von ihm geschickt, um ihm dann darin etwas auf Deutsch zu übersetzen oder er fragt, wie ein bestimmter Charakter mit deutschen Wurzeln etwas ausdrücken würde.
Auch diesmal findet ihr wieder Teile in der Geschichte, für die er sich vorab bei mir gemeldet hat.
Innocent, and Defenseless – Mercenary Tales 2

During the years of the Star League, few mercenary units served with such honor and distinction as the Eridani Light Horse. Stalwart allies of the Star League and the ideals it stands for, the men and women of the Eighth Recon Battalion are about to have their own ideals tested on the world of Radstadt. For when an invading mercenary force assaults a massive Draconis Combine prison complex, the Light Horse warriors are faced with the choice of risking their lives to defend convicted prisoners. But the Eridani Light Horse has never shied from a mission or a challenge, but repelling the invaders will try them in ways they could never have expected…
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Riptides – Mercenary Tales 1

The Illician Lancers: a mercenary outfit with centuries of honorable tradition, yet somehow always missing the limelight. Especially recently, after their mission failure during the liberation of New Syrtis in 3147 tarnished their once-sterling reputation and left them languishing on the Capellan border. Can Colonel Luciana Araya Morales overcome the shame of those events and restore the Lancers to their former glory?
Meanwhile, as Clan Wolf prepares for its invasion of the cradle of humanity, Ya’el Labov, saKhan of the Sea Fox Khanate, hunts for new opportunities in the currents wafting from Terra. Rumors that the Clan Wolf Khan is using mercenaries as part of his attack plan set the wily saKhan’s mind to spinning. How can he take advantage of this, and make Clan Sea Fox’s star rise even further?
Two people with very different goals are about to embark on a shared mission that, if successful, will change much in the Inner Sphere. And if they are not, their alliance may be doomed to failure before it can even begin…
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