Escape from Jardine (Forgotten Worlds 3)
Zuletzt aktualisiert am 26. Februar 2023 von DarkISI
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Der dritte Band der Forgotten Worlds Reihe von Herbert A. Beas II ist endlich verfügbar.
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Forgotten Worlds 3: Escape from Jardine

Intrepid interstellar explorer Brooke Stevens has seen many strange and unique sights in her lifetime, but this one may be the most incredible one of all. Tasked by the organization Interstellar Explorations to locate an entire world, she located the previously “lost” planet of Jardine.
Once there, however, she stumbles upon a powerful ComStar faction, the Word of Blake, that will do anything to keep Jardine’s location a secret—including terminating any outsiders with knowledge of their concealed base. Now Brooke and what’s left of her team—a taciturn tech and a native of Jardine whose tribe was wiped out by brutal Manei Domeni cyborgs—must brave the hazards of the jungle planet and journey to the heart of the Word of Blake’s operations in hopes of finding a way off the planet…before their relentless enemies bury them on it…
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Forgotten Worlds 2: Finding Jardine

Interstellar explorer and freelance treasure hunter Dr. Brooklyn Stevens has made the find of a lifetime—an entire planet thought lost for centuries. Jardine was supposedly wiped off the maps of the Inner Sphere during the hard-fought Succession Wars, but the verdant forested world she and her adventuring partner just crash-landed on tells a much different story.
And so do its inhabitants. Dr. Stevens and her partner soon find themselves between two very different groups: one whose members are an unholy amalgamation of man and machine, the other a hardy group that lives off the land. Both groups are soon after Stevens and her knowledge about Jardine—one side to protect the planet from those that would seek to reclaim it, the other intent on killing anyone who knows of its existence. Caught between both sides, Brooklyn must uncover the mysteries of Jardine…and stay alive long enough to tell the universe about it…
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Forgotten Worlds 1: The Hunt for Jardine

Freelance explorer and treasure hunter Dr. Brooklyn Stevens has made her career finding lost artifacts from Inner Sphere history, but during the waning days of the FedCom Civil War, a job offered by the academic organization known as Interstellar Expeditions affords her the chance to pursue the find of a lifetime: a missing planet, one lost in the ravages of the brutal Succession Wars.
But the world of Jardine did not only die in fire—it was erased from stellar maps entirely, and Brooke’s employer wants to know why.
She must hunt down the only known link to this forgotten world: a dangerous predator native to Jardine, whose initial discoverer was silenced under mysterious circumstances. Someone wants this planet to remain buried—and they will go to any lengths to ensure that Brooke’s quest to uncover the truth of Jardine’s disappearance ends in tragedy.
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