
Highlander Covenant 2: Paid in Blood – Jetzt im Handel

Zuletzt aktualisiert am 3. April 2021 von DarkISI

Der zweite Teil der Highlander Covenant Duologie ist jetzt im Handel.

Derzeit ist das E-Book sowohl bei Amazon als auch bei Drivethru verfügbar. In beiden Shops kostet es 5,11 €. Das Taschenbuchggibt es für 10,90 € exklusiv auf Amazon.


On the besieged planet of Northwind, the Highlanders are fighting a tenacious invading force from the Capellan Confederation, led by a regiment from the legendary McCarron’s Armored Calvary, with support from Warrior House Imarra.

The first round went to the Capellans, who seized the city of Tara and the invaluable HPG located within it. But their position is precarious with the revelation of the Grey Watch, a legendary Highlanders fighting force that revealed itself when Northwind was in danger of falling, and turned what could have been an all out Capellan victory into an uneasy stalemate.

The arrival of a Draconis Combine fleet, recent allies of the Confederation, shifts the balance even further. Will the reinforced Capellan force finally bring Northwind back under the rule of the Celestial Throne, or will Countess Tara Campbell, Captain Declan Casey, and Knight of the Republic Maeve Stirling find a way to lead the embattled Highlanders to victory?

Auf Amazon kaufen
Auf Drivethru kaufen

Band 1 (Grey Watch Protocol) gibt es auf Amazon (Taschenbuch & E-Book) und Drivethru (E-Book), falls ihr den verpasst habt.


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