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Dying Dignity (Eridani Light Horse Chronicles, 3) – Im Handel

Zuletzt aktualisiert am 4. Juni 2021 von DarkISI

Der dritte Band der Eridani Light Horse Chronicles Reihe ist nun verfügbar.

Dying Dignity von Chris Hussey gibt es für 1,60 € als E-Book bei Amazon oder und für 1,64 € als E-Book (in mehreren Formaten) bei Drivethru.


Other mercenary units fly flags at two flagpoles at their headquarters, one with their unit’s flag, and other bearing the flag of their current employer. However, the Third Regimental Combat Team—a.k.a. the Eridani Light Horse—leaves one flagpole bare, as a reminder of the death of the Star League, and the other pole flies the Light Horse’s unit and regimental flags at half-mast.

What triumphs and tragedies shaped the Eridani Light Horse and its traditions? What drove them to become a force to be reckoned with, an elite mercenary unit with one of the longest histories and the deepest traditions in the Inner Sphere? Witness the unit’s origins in the Star League and follow their evolution all the way through the Succession Wars and the Clan Invasion to their downfall in the Dark Age and their resurrection in the uncertain future of the ilClan era.

Part Three: Dying Dignity by Chris Hussey: For a raid into the Lyran Commonwealth, the Eridani Light Horse teams up with the Black Warriors, a band of former Star League troops much like the Light Horse. But something about this mission does not add up…

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