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Recognition Guide 22 & Legends – Im Handel [UPDATE: Mechliste RecGuide]

Zuletzt aktualisiert am 5. Dezember 2021 von DarkISI

Aufgrund des Black Fridays letzte Woche hat sich der Recognition Guide 22 auf diese Woche verschoben. Jetzt ist er aber da.

Und nicht nur das, nein. Auch Battletech: Legends ist nun allgemein als PDF im Handel verfügbar, nachdem es bislang seit knapp einem Jahr exklusiv über den Cornucopia-Code für Kickstarter Backer verfügbar war.

Battletech: Legends

Legends Never Die

Across the centuries, the fate of the Inner Sphere changed time and again with the actions of one MechWarrior and one ‚Mech fighting at the crux of history. There stories became legends passed down through the years, and now these legends and their ‚Mechs stand revealed as never before.

BattleTech: Legends depicts fifty-two of the universe’s most famous–and infamous–MechWarrors and their ‚Mechs from every era of BattleTech including the upcoming ilClan era. Each entry includes gorgeous full-color portraits of the character and came specs for their machines, and delves into their battle history as a MechWarrior to reveal all-new details never before published. Finally, each era section kicks off with all-new fiction by some of BattleTech’s own Legendary authors!

Auf Drivethru kaufen (PDF)

Recognition Guide: IlClan 22

The march of technology across BattleTech’s eras is relentless—but some BattleMech designs never die. Each installment of this PDF-only series not only includes a brand new BattleMech or OmniMech, but also details Classic ’Mech designs from both the Inner Sphere and the Clans, now fully rebuilt with Dark Age technology (3085 and beyond). Allowing beloved units redesigned for the BattleTech: Clan Invasion crowd funding campaign to be competitive on “modern” battlefields, this series also includes in-universe development notes, battle histories, notable pilots, and record sheets for each ’Mech. Released as a series of 22 PDF-only documents through the end of 2020 and early 2021, many ’Mechs featured in this series will be collected as a single print volume upon its completion.

Diesmal dabei: Battle Cobra, Doom CourserNight Gyr, Goliath & Jade Phoenix

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Kleiner Babymech/Little Baby Mech ist als kostenlose Fangeschichte verfügbar. Das perfekte Buch für alle kleinen Battletech-Fans.

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