Battletech: A Skulk of Foxes – Jetzt verfügbar
Zuletzt aktualisiert am 24. August 2024 von DarkISI
Der dritte Teil der „Fortunes of War“ Serie, A Skulk of Foxes von Jason Hansa, war schon eine Weile digital für Unterstützer des Kickstarters verfügbar (vorausgesetzt, ihr habt das entsprechende Pledge Level). Jetzt ist der Roman auch allgemein im Handel und als Taschenbuch lesbar. Wer es digital mag und verpasst hat, dass es auf Backerkit verfügbar war, klickt einfach hier.
Catalyst weist darauf auch nochmal im Klappentext hin, was ich sehr löblich finde.
A Skulk of Foxes (3151)

The independent world of Son Hoa should be doing well for itself: its BattleMech factory is fully functional, and business is booming. But the planet and its neighboring planets are under constant attack, and Aden, an intelligence agent from Clan Sea Fox’s Watch, has been assigned to discover who’s behind the raids and if there’s a more sinister plan afoot in the region.
Allying with a trio of cast-off spies with nowhere else to go, Aden and his new team must uncover who’s funding the raids and why, before their plans come to fruition. Working alongside them are fellow Sea Fox Merchant Commander Janelle, a former Warrior now trading across the stars, and the Screaming Eagles, a storied mercenary unit with a troubled past now hoping to restore their tarnished honor.
Joined in a common mission, the Sea Foxes and Screaming Eagles are committed to defending Son Hoa, but will they find allies or enemies awaiting them on the weather-torn planet?
(NOTE: This is the same short novel that was distributed to the BattleTech Mercenaries Kickstarter campaign. If you received this story through the campaign, you do not need to buy it here.)
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