
MegaMek 49.3

Zuletzt aktualisiert am 29. August 2021 von DarkISI

Es gibt wieder eine neue Development Version von MegaMek. Version 49.3kommt mit einer großen Menge an Bug Fixes und ein paar neuen Features.

Java 11

Wie alle Versionen ab 49.0 benötigt auch 49.2 Java 11. Das Team empfiehlt OpenJDK 11. und hat Hilfeseiten für Windows und MacOS aufgesetzt. Linuxnutzer sollten es über den Paketmanager installieren können.



Ihr könnt Maps in MegaMek nun mit Tags versehen. Beispielsweise: „Viele Straßen“, „Viel Wald“, „Kampagne 3“, „Mag ich“ … dadurch könnt ihr euch für jedes Match Karten anzeigen lassen, die ihr mit bestimmten Bedingungen versehen habt.


Wenn der Server, auf dem das Spiel läuft, einen SMTP Server konfiguriert hat, kann MegaMek die Rundenergebnisse nun per Mail an euch senden. Sofern ihr eine E-Mail Adresse zur Verfügung gestellt habt.

RecGuides und Bilder

Es wurden alle RecGuides bis Ausgabe 18 in MegaMek eingebunden und Deadborder stellt weiterhin neue Einheitenbilder für die Darstellung im Spiel zur Verfügung. Danke dafür.



+ PR #2816: Board Editor Layout Scaling
+ PR #2955: Board Tagging
+ Issues #1628, #1857, #2181, #2264, #2290, #2390, #2944: Board Editor and Menu Enhancements and Fixes
+ Issue #2960: Fixing non-basic letters in the new camouflage setup
+ PR #2971: Fixing the Magistracy of Canopus Planetary Militia Force Generator Faction
+ PR #2987: Remove unwanted water terrain exits from boards
+ PR #2990, 2993: Fix errors discovered while play-testing on potato-grade computer:
– prevent tooltip errors when mousing over non-unit spotting target
– prevent player camo color related force rendering error in lobby due to slow MekHQ->MegaMek data transfer
– improved bot ability to avoid flying off-board on space maps in newtonian flight model
– prevent ejected aerospace pilots from crashing the server when drifting off-board on space map
– prevent attempts to use searchlights on non-existent buildings
– „Nearest“ destination zone is now respected properly by the bot
– Fix several „stuttering“/“jumping“ issues when moving around the map
+ Issue #2995: Critical Hits not being applied
+ PR #2998: Advanced Map Generator Panel: Fixing Woods Size Text
+ Issue #2988, 2989: Multiple fixes to errors encountered when using fighter squadrons
+ PR #3009: Fixing Princess Null Entity Packet state update
+ Issue #3002: Disallow torso-twisting and vehicle turret rotation during TAG phase per recent errata
+ PR #3010: StatusBarPhaseDisplay Code cleanup
+ PR #3011: Fixes for multiple game-freezing issues relating to counter-battery fire against previously destroyed units
+ PR #2968: Prevent TAG from attempting to designate targets for hostile incoming homing ordnance
+ PR #3023: Allow UUID Serialization
+ PR #3022: Preventing three Compute::getTargetTotalNP NPEs
+ PR #3021: Fixing Calculate LOS NPEs
+ Data: New Sprites, Camos
+ PR #3041: Princess config dialog improvements; much easier bot replacement upon loading a save game.
+ Issue #3407: Prevent server lockup when processing swarm attacks that select an infantry unit in a building as a secondary target
+ PR #3051: RAT Generator Editor no longer shuffles model entries around randomly; space stations have been added to RAT Generator
+ Issue #3031: Bot will no longer attempt to cross water in „long range pathfinding mode“ when doing so would cause an armor breach
+ Issue #3052: Fix for server lockup when firing infantry-scale weapons off of small support vehicles; fixes for multiple errors processing non-existent passenger units.
+ Issue #3048: Hits on hull-down (non-superheavy) vehicles without turrets now land on proper location.
+ PR #3017: Additional unit label display options (toggled with the unit label display keybind) to show abbreviated and really abbreviated unit names.
+ PR #3050: Players now have option to provide their email address to the server (which is not shared with the other players). If the server has a local SMTP server configured, round reports can be emailed to players.
+ PR #3072: Hidden Units is now Enabled by default
+ Issue #3065: Prevent units from winding up with an illegal facing as a result of a fish tail, and in general.
+ Issue #3042: Properly Set Anti-Mek Skill For Battle Armour and Infantry
+ PR #3082: AbstractUnitSelectorDialog: Properly Catching NPEs and other MechFileParser Exceptions in getSelectedEntity
+ PR #2980: Do not use GUIPreferences from Board
+ Issue #2951: Update to-hit modifiers for weapon and physicals attacks against grounded dropships and other superheavy units.
+ Data: Updated Boards including MegaMek Invitational Boards
+ Issue #2918: Shaky Stick SPA now applies for airborne VTOLs and WIGEs.
+ Issue #3094: Double Blind: Fixing Unjam Turret Action Report
+ Unofficial Equipment Documentation
+ Data: Adding Rec Guides 15-18 includes Unit Roles, some Fluff, and canon quirks. New Camos and new sprites
+ Data: Fixing some weapon name types and a missing princess behaviour(Ambusher) and some sprite errors.


Advance Days

Der Advance Days Dialog ist fertig und ersetzt das alte Pop Up für den Tagesreport. Er fügt neue Funktionen hinzu und ist so gebaut, dass er offen bleiben kann und man ihn nicht schließen muss.

Unit Market

Der Unit Market wurde neu geschrieben und ist nun außerhalb des „Against the Bot“ Modus verfügbar.

Anmerkung: Beide Funktionen wurden schon vor längerem angefangen. Der eigentlich Fokus liegt momentan auf Bugfixes.

Wichtig: Denkt daran, eure Kampagnen zu sichern, bevor ihr MekHQ auf die neue Version bringt.



+ Issue #2679: Correctly show and apply overtime mod to multi-day rolls
+ Issue #2709: Two Scenario Date NPEs
+ Issue #2685: Preventing NPE when loading scenario save games
+ Issue #2609: Show which parts are blocking repairs
+ Issue #2707: Preventing text wrap in the person title JTable usages
+ PR #2718: Fixing Bulk Refit Complete/Cancel
+ Issue #2717: Advance Days Dialog no longer based on modality
+ PR #2716, 2727: StratCon – player dropships will now be pulled into dropship defense scenarios;
more abstractly: capability to substitute player units for bot units in designated scenario force templates
prevent „regenerate bot forces“ button from displaying when editing completed scenarios
allow contract completion for scenarios with remaining „fixed“ objectives (useful for when the enemy morale goes to rout or you win a base of operations attack)
explicitly show that objectives in defensive contracts must be held until contract completion
fix clicked hex detection on StratCon map when viewing anything other than top left corner when map doesn’t fit on single screen (smaller resolutions/bigger maps)
added scroll pane to info panel in case it has more data than can be displayed (important on smaller resolutions)
do not un-deploy force from track if it’s assigned to a scenario on the track until the scenario is resolved one way or another
+ Issue #251: Force Generator Unit Generation Empty Unit Table Parent Faction Fallback
+ Issue #2736: Fixing Alternative Faction Code Generation by using correct ArrayList type
+ PR #2744: Mass Mothball Dialog: Fixing IndexOutOfBoundsException with no techs for a unit type
+ PR #2745: Fixing Two AtB Scenario View Panel NPEs
+ PR #2725: StratCon campaign state management: GM Tool to add VP/SP; Ability to convert VP to SP manually; Ability to convert SP to bonus parts; GM mode viewing of current track’s „scenario spawn odds“.
+ PR #2751: Fixing Astech Divide By Zero Errors
+ PR #2756, 2802: StratCon
– Fix incorrect bot configuration in pursuit scenario that would cause it to bee-line for the opposite edge
– When objective scenarios move, they will take their objectives with them
– Strategic objective display improvement – colorcoding and symbols to indicate in-progress/complete/failed.
– Prevent phantom scenarios from showing up in TO&E deploy menu for both forces and individual units
– Removing a force that’s assigned to a StratCon track will no longer cause the strategic map to fail to render
+ Issue #1098: Fixing Repair Tab Tech Order Options
+ PR #2478: Markets Tab and AbstractUnitMarket
+ Issue #2558: Adding Custom Messages for Dependant Joining/Departing the Force
+ Issue #1767: Adding Campaign Messages when gaining SPAs/Edge and Personnel Log Options for gaining Skills/SPAs/Edge
+ Issue #2771: Fixing Missing Current Daily Log on AdvanceDaysDialog Creation
+ PR #2769: New StratCon feature – sometimes (with configurable frequency), the generated maps will be replaced by a similarly sized user-made fixed map instead.
+ PR #2775: Finances Tab: Price Multipliers Panel Cleanup and Expansion
+ PR #2760: Rank fixes and improvements from HB: Major Periphery States
+ PR #2796: AtB/StratCon: Preventing Hidden Units With Option Disabled
+ Issue #2790: Fixing Null Birthday
+ Issue #2779: Can now cancel a bulk part purchase
+ PR #2788: Stratcon Facility Implementations
+ Issue #2816: Fixing Two AtB Morale ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsExceptions that break on New Day
+ PR #2821: StratCon Scenario Generation New Day NPE Prevention
+ Issue #2786: CustomizePersonDialog Phenotype and Gender ComboBox bugfixes
+ Issue #2754: Properly clearing Hidden, Narc, and iNarc Flags during scenario resolution
+ PR #2828: Fixing AtB Lance Role Sorting and Improving Mission Name Sorting
+ Issue #1042: Fixing Client Button Setting and MegaMek Preferences Not Saving from MekHQ
+ Issue #2807: Removing EquipmentParts whose EquipmentTypes fail to parse




+ Issue #898: Heavy-Duty Pile Driver and arm actuators

Social Media

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