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Eridani Light Horse 8 & Herretic’s Faith – Im Handel

Zuletzt aktualisiert am 13. November 2021 von DarkISI

Gleich zwei neue Bücher gibt es nun im Handel.

Zu Beginn, der achte Band der Eridani Light Horse Chronicles. No Dust No Wear spielt diesmal während des Jihads in den Heimatwelten. Und es wird eine kleine, aber feine Verbindung zu Failings in Teaching aus meiner Feder geschlagen. Mal schauen, ob ihr sie findet.

Eridani Light Horse Chronicles 8: No Dust, No Wear


Other mercenary units fly flags at two flagpoles at their headquarters, one with their unit’s flag, and other bearing the flag of their current employer. However, the Third Regimental Combat Team—a.k.a. the Eridani Light Horse—leaves one flagpole bare, as a reminder of the death of the Star League, and the other pole flies the Light Horse’s unit and regimental flags at half-mast.

What triumphs and tragedies shaped the Eridani Light Horse and its traditions? What drove them to become a force to be reckoned with, an elite mercenary unit with one of the longest histories and the deepest traditions in the Inner Sphere? Witness the unit’s origins in the Star League and follow their evolution all the way through the Succession Wars and the Clan Invasion to their downfall in the Dark Age and their resurrection in the uncertain future of the ilClan era.

Part Eight: No Dust, No Wear by Jason Hansa: The Eridani Light Horse regiment, serving as the Star League’s representative in the Clan Homeworlds after the Great Refusal, is beset by angry Clans who seek to destroy them for threatening their way of life. Colonel Sandra Barclay must do everything in her power if her command is to survive…

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Heretic’s Faith

Der 17. Band der Dark Age Reihe ist nun ebenfalls als Neuauflage verfügbar. Heretic’s Faith verschlägt euch in das Draconis Combine. Wer lediglich am E-Book interessiert ist, bekommt es bei Amazon diesmal für 3,99 €, während es bei Drivethru 4,32 € kostet.


Nearly a century ago, Minoru Kurita abandoned his noble name and heritage when he was adopted by Clan Nova Cat, who utilized his purported psychic abilities to create a powerful new breed of warrior: the Mystic Caste, a secretive spiritual branch of the Clan led by their exalted Oathmaster…

From the moment Kisho left the Iron Womb, he has been trained in the Mystic Caste with one goal in mind: to forge his entire being into a tool—not simply as a weapon to fight the Clan’s enemies, but as an instrument of strength to bring glory to Clan Nova Cat through his visions. Now he has been chosen by the Oathmaster himself to be his protege and possible successor. But Kisho’s great pride masks a great deception: He does not believe any of it. He has walked the path all his life, yet he has no faith in the gifts the Mystic Caste supposedly possesses—and he is running out of time…

For Kisho is about to be sent into battle with his warrior brethren to fight alongside the forces of the controversial Warlord Katana Tormark—and the faith he has so long denied may be the only thing that can save them…

Auf kaufen (Taschenbuch & E-Book)
Buy on Amazon – International link to YOUR Amazon (paperback & eBook)
Auf Drivethru kaufen (E-Book)

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