
10 Jahre MegaMek: Version 35.28

Zuletzt aktualisiert am 22. Februar 2012 von DarkISI

Zum zehnjährigen Jubiläum (wenn auch mit Drei Tagen Verspätung, aber wer passt da schon so genau auf?) ist soeben die neue MegaMek-Version 35.28 erschienen.

An dieser Stelle einmal einen herzlichen Glückwunsch an das gesamte Team, das diese Software über so lange Zeit aktuell hält, sie uns kostenlos zur Verfügung stellt und Battletech damit schon vor 10 Jahren auf den modernen Weg des Onlinespiels gebracht hat und da auch weiterhin zu halten gedenkt.

Anlässlich des Jubliäums gibt es in wenigen Tagen auch ein Interview mit BeeRockxs zu lesen, dem derzeitigen Chefentwickler, der bereits seit 8 Jahren Teil des Teams ist.

v0.35.28 (2012-22-02, 23:07 UTC+1)
+ Added bridgelayer construction data
+ Separated handheld searchlight from mounted searchlight
+ pass frame rather than clientgui to AdvancedSearchDialog so other programs can use
+ Bug: Princess bot NPE with aeros that fly off the map
+ Bug 3474185: Princess bot NPE with ejected MechWarriors
+ Bug 3474591: NPE in deployment
+ changed external ids to strings to allow for UUIDs, but kept integer get and set methods for compatability
+ Added prototype JJs
+ support to print LAM sheets in MML
+ Added Booby Trap construction data
+ Ground-Mobile HPGs can be split between torso locations and need 20 heatsinks on tanks
+ Fixed-Wing support vehicle MP Fix
+ Added refueling drogue construction data
+ Added Bulldozer
+ Added external stores hardpoint
+ Super-Heavy Combat vehicles (dual-turret ones won’t work in the mechdisplay)
+ externalID not called as string in server methods
+ Bug 3479750: Jump Booster Bug with Face Change Walk/Run
+ Patch 3476808: damage level flag fix
+ Patch 3470479: Era Report 3062 RATs
+ track breach status in XML input/output plus some helper methods for breaches
+ Bug: Tank BV ignoring defensive movement factor
+ Bug: Engine with rating 310 has wrong weight
+ Bug: immobile hovers should sink over water when immobilized
+ Bug with stealth armor verification
+ Updated for VTOL construction in MML
+ Fixed some DFA displacement bugs
+ Bug 3437303: comm gear working after crit
+ Patch 3483435: Princess flees the board
+ Bug: UnitType#determineUnitTypeCode does not return battle armor correctly
+ Bug: Clan UAC10 cost missing a zero
+ made changes to Entity#destroyLocation and elsewhere to mark equipment as hit when a location is destroyed normally and missing when a location is blown off
+ Bug: Princess was having healthy units flee when on their home board edge.
+ Allow field gun infantry to change ammo
+ Modified deployment code so that bot’s are less likely to deploy inside heavy buildings and damage themselves when they try to move.
+ blown off limbs (and heads) recorded differently than location destruction
+ helper methods to distinguish blown off locations from truly destroyed ones
+ a few changes to damage reporting in MechView
+ check for missing pilot in Tank#calculateBV
+ Bug 3486698: NPE with the Princess Bot in MekHQ 1.14
+ Bug: compact heat sink weight wrong
+ Bug: Name field not displaying on the AddBot dialog.
+ Bug: Internal Engine heat sinks were not being added in the case of single heat sinks.
+ Bug: artillery flak should work against aerospace units, too
+ Added code to have the Princess bot consider jump movement as well as walking & running.
+ Bug: Occasional ‚Entity does not know its possition‘ error when performing doTryUnstuck.  Modified code so that error no longer locks up Princess.
+ Bug: Random ‚Element not in list‘ error thrown by Princess.
+ Added additional unofficial options to increase potency of standard autocannon Increase AC Damage and Kinder Rapid Fire.
+ Added an unofficial option to increase IS ER Large Laser and IS ER Large Laser Prototype long range to 21.
+ Better evasion reporting in tooltip
+ Bug: evade avoids -1 due to being stationary when using evade and not moving
+ Bug: tanks sinking when on bridge


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