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Battle of Tukayyid: Jetzt im Handel

Zuletzt aktualisiert am 27. November 2020 von DarkISI

So, nach dem Artikel zu den Kampagnenkarten, ist Battle of Tukayyid nun auch als PDF und als gedrucktes Buch im Catalyst Store zu haben.

Sobald das PDF auch bei Drivethru auftaucht, gebe ich Bescheid.

Bevor ihr jetzt gleich zuschlagt, denkt daran: Alle, die im Kickstarter oder später auf CrowdOx als Star Captain oder höher gebackt haben, kriegen das PDF kostenlos als Teil ihres Pledges. Und: Wenn ihr es nicht dort bekommt und auf Drivethru wartet, dann kriegt die HPG Station ein bisschen Geld von Drivethru.

Das Supplemental ist NICHT Teil des Pledges und muss extra erworben werden.

Das Nova Cat Kapitel stammt übrigens aus meiner Feder. Lest das also zuerst und lobt mich über den grünen Klee.

On 1 May 3052, over twenty Galaxies from seven Clans clashed with twelve Armies of ComStar’s Com Guards. For twenty-one days, one of the largest campaigns in BattleMech warfare unfolded to decide the fate of the Inner Sphere.

The Battle of Tukayyid brings players back to this gargantuan conflict, allowing them to relive one of BattleTech’s most pivotal moments. It builds off of the Chaos Campaign: Succession Wars framework to unleash a massive experience players will enjoy across dozens of games. Each of the seven campaigns within includes the following: a short fiction entry and write-up of the battle, including a map of the regions; the specific Combatants involved, along with insignia; and details to allow players to play out each campaign on their tabletop. Finally, a technical readout section showcases ’Mech variants that first appeared during this conflict.

This Chaos Campaign puts you as the hero—Aidan Pryde, Anastatius Focht, and others—of the battle. Do you have what it takes to lead the Smoke Jaguars to victory, or will you repeat the failure of the Diamond Sharks? Or can you find a way to defeat the indomitable Clan Wolf? You will decide.

FOR USE WITH Clan Invasion box set MapPack: Battle of Tukayyid and compatible with Total Warfare and Alpha Strike



The Battle of Tukayyid campaign book brings the pivotal conflict of the Clan Invasion to life in stunning grandeur. But the Tukayyid experience is too exciting to be contained in a single volume, and this Supplemental expands upon the options within that book.

Two sections dig further into BattleTech lore, allowing players to use the full range of mapsheets and record sheets published to date, while a Battlefield Support: Combined Arms Worksheet makes those rules easier to use.

Additionally, over two hundred record sheets cover every ’Mech included in the Battle of Tukayyid campaign book. Finally, a Strategic BattleForce expansion includes the rules, maps, and Formation Record Sheets to use the rules in Interstellar Operations to play out the Battle of Tukayyid with large-scale games.

NOTE: The seven large-scale maps are included in a .zip file so players can print them out for their own use. Additionally, the .zip file includes form-fillable Formation Record Sheets for ComStar and Clan players to create their own sheets.

For Use With: BattleTech: Battle of Tukayyid


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